
Given the wide range of the infrared spectrum and the multiple uses of radiation located in various points inside it, different classifications have been created in additional subregions. Unfortunately, there is not a single standard that is recognised for these bands, but multiple sector-related conventions, created in different areas of research and engineering to divide the regions connected to different classes of phenomenon in the area of interest.

Band name

Upper limit

Lower limit

Standard DIN/CIE


0,7 µm - 428 THz

1,4 µm - 214 THz


1,4 µm - 214 THz

3 µm - 100 THz


3 µm - 100 THz

1000 µm (1 mm) - 300 GHz

Astronomical classification


0,7 - 1 µm - 428-300 THz

5 µm - 60 THz


5 µm - 60 THz

25-40 µm - 12-7,5 THz


25-40 µm - 12-7,5 THz

250-350 µm - 1,2 THz-428 GHz

Engineering system

near (NIR)

0,75 µm - 400 THz

1,4 µm - 214 THz

short wave (SWIR)

1,4 µm - 214 THz

3 µm - 100 THz

medium wave (MWIR)

3 µm - 100 THz

8 µm - 37,5 THz

long wave (LWIR)

8 µm - 37,5 THz

15 µm - 20 THz

far (FIR)

15 µm - 20 THz

1000 µm - 300 GHz


< 700 nm (0,7 µm) = visible light
> 1 mm = microwaves